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Upcoming Events at CMC

Thanks for visiting our Events page to see our Upcoming Events! Here, you can find details on dates, times, and activities involved in our outreach events or in activities available for all age ranges. You may also find details on ways to serve and support our church and community in being involved with these events.



Chickasaw Diners

ALL are welcome to join the new CHICKASAW DINERS for our first gathering for lunch right after church on Sunday, June 2nd! This time we will meet at Cozy Browns! Please sign up in the fellowship hall so we have a count of who will be attending. You will be paying for your own meal. Please contact Phil King (251) 285-8325 or Brent Middleton (251) 979-8077 for more info!


Mother's Day and Graduation Sunday

Everyone is welcome to join us on May 12, 2024 as we will be hearing from Mr. Bryan McGrew, celebrating our graduates within the church and honoring our mothers in the church. 

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Homecoming Sunday

Our New Governance team met on Sunday, February the 26th. We spent a good bit of the three hour meeting listening to each other and seeking to better understand the challenges facing us as a church. It was a serious, but a spiritually rich time together. One decision we made was to move our homecoming Sunday to a different date. The reasons were that November is a jam-packed month with the Turkey Dinner and Thanksgiving. Also, we became a new church on the third weekend in May of last year when the Alabama West Florida Annual Conference voted us out of the annual conference. Therefore, we will have Homecoming this year on May 19th, the third Sunday in May. We are excited that our new annual conference’s President Pro Tempore, Lester Spencer, will be our preacher this year. There are still many people in our church that remember his uncle, Lamar Spencer who was our pastor from 1963 to 1968. Lester’s dad, Lester Sr., was the pastor at St Mark Methodist Church from 1957 to 1969. The picture attached to his article is a horseback ride that Lester Sr. did from Mobile to Baltimore, Maryland in honor of the 1966 general conference. Lester has told me that he had a number of relative living in Chickasaw during the 60’s and 70’s, so in a sense we are inviting an old friend of our community to be with us. It is thought that Lester will be the first bishop of our new annual conference as we move forward. Having Lester with us for Homecoming is truly an exciting event as we move into the new future that God has for us.

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